Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I mentioned in my main blog that I don't need to make a resolution to lose weight and get into shape - it holds honorary,  perennial status.

But I do need to have an approach.  January my goal is to get off and stay off sugar.  I started today.  My experience is that the physical "withdrawal" hits on day 2 or 3.  So I have planned to have some celery, carrots, nuts and popcorn on hand to nibble when the cravings hit.  I am also going to avoid the other bugaboos - like things made with white flour which can also set off those cravings.

My many years of experience tell me that after 5 days or so the sweets craving will subside and I can move to a new phase in my attack.  I am giving myself all of January to get my carby little  ducks in a row.  I have been pulling out veggie recipes and making meal plans.

I have a big clean out the pantry day planned, too.  My husband loves his sugar, but I can buy him things I won't be tempted by.  However, when the will power is low, I am known to go through the pantry and get creative.  So all the little leftover cookie makings will go out - the coconut, the toffee bits come to mind.

I am trying to get up the nerve to put one of those weight loss "tickers" on the sidebar.  I am not in the habit of revealing my actual weight.  Who am I kidding? I NEVER reveal my actual weight.  So we'll see about that leap.


  1. I'm cheering you as you go for a no sugar approach. You certainly know what to expect and sound well prepared. I would suggest making sure you are getting enough protein - that helps keep me full and the carb cravings away. I am having to wash the carbs out of my brain and body after a holiday binge. So I am right along with you. The first few days are tough!

    As for the weight tracker bar, you can choose one that shows how much are losing toward a goal rather than your weight.

  2. I have thought about putting my "number above goal weight" instead of the actual number. Never have, though. Carbs and sugar have been killing me and I need to get them out of my system too. It will be easier when my boys go back to school and I can clear out the stuff that is for them.

  3. I went with the no sugar approach a year ago and it made a huge difference in how I felt. Since then, I've found that if I have too much sugar, I start to feel terrible. Once or twice this year, I had too much and woke up the next day feeling as if I had a hangover, including throbbing headaches. Now, I just mostly stay away from sugar and only have it in small doses (e.g. a square or two of dark chocolate after dinner).

    You don't have to use a weight tracker that shows your actual weight -- instead, find one that shows how many pounds you want to lose and your progress toward your goals.

  4. Can you freeze you cookie-making bits? I wrap my "forbidden treasures" in foil or wax paper and then put them in plastic bins in the freezer. Then I have them if I need them and I haven't wasted food. (I just had a visual of a burglar thinking he's found hidden stashes of cash in my freezer, only to unwrap 3-month old cake joys. LOL)
