Friday, January 6, 2012


Is it possible that I have eaten so many cookies, candies and cakes in the past months that I reached some sort of satiety?  Because I went off sugar 5 days ago and I haven't felt a blip of a craving.   Nothing. 

I cleaned out the pantry yesterday and tossed some really old stuff hidden behind my husband's sports supplements, some unmarked bulk purchases (I need to label the stuff from the health food department), some lingering crackers, 5 half consumed bags of tortilla chips, 2 half consumed boxes of cereal and a bag of beef jerky with an expiration date in 2009!

 I put the dangerous stuff up high and out of sight.  Maybe if I have to pull out the step stool to get to it, I will have time to reconsider whether I should eat it.

So it has been a good week so far.  I started my food log on SparkPeople and will get focused on calorie reduction this next week.  Monday is weigh in day.


  1. Go, Susan! And yes, i do think we can reach a saturation point. Here's hoping (for both of us) that it's a lasting saturation point1 :)

  2. I soooo want to trash stuff. My teen went back to school yesterday and left junk food behind that I quickly relocated (to where I won't see it) and reallocated (to my other son and husband). Now I just need to get rid of the other son and his "crap." I say that with love:) And then there is my darn husband. Sigh. I ate so much crap that I had the opposite feeling - I was NEVER satisfied!

  3. Woot! Way to go!! Once the cravings are gone everything else (for me) seems to fall into place. Monitoring your intake is a great idea, especially since successful maintainers do that for life.

    I've had to work hard re-committing to no sugar/starch. It has taken all the support systems that I have, but I'm back on the wagon - meaning no bingeing.

  4. I definitely think that as I get older the "crap food" has less allure--I went crazy for about two weeks total and then I was more than happy to start getting healthy.

    My youngest daughter has discovered an interest in healthy cooking, so that is wonderful for me!
