Tuesday, November 27, 2012


It's been a bumpy ride for the past month.  My healing stomach is not happy about most things I put in it and suddenly the day before Thanksgiving it decided it didn't want ANYTHING in it.

Doctors advice - just give it a rest.  So 24 hours with nothing - yes, on Thanksgiving - and then sips of tea and juice for 24 hours then try some chicken broth.  So far those 3 things are the only things that don't make my stomach cramp.  But I keep trying clear and blended soft things.  Am I worried about my lack of protein and nutrition in general?  Yes.  Can I do anything about the state of my stomach?  No. Got to give it time.

If I believed in a higher power that wished to teach me a lesson, I would say this is one of humility.  I went into this with an attitude that I would just sail through the recovery steps.  Clearly not happening!  So I must back myself off my expectations and do what I can. There is no point in forcing anything in this process and if I am the oddball that can't eat an egg or tolerate protein drinks 4+ weeks out, I need to find what I can tolerate and eat until then.

What I am doing is walking more, and using some small hand weights for upper body strength training.  I am working pretty much full time again. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


Okay now.  I feel like I may just make it after all.  First of all, I had managed to misunderstand the instructions about taking the antacid medicine and should have started it right away.  Oops.  The first time I took it I felt terrible, but now that I have taken it for 4 days - well, it may be the reason I feel so much better, or it may be because it is just 4 more days into the healing process.

Today is the first day I have managed all of my fluid and 46 oz of protein.  Whoo-hoo.  I would still rather not eat at all, but I am doing it.  In a couple of days I will try adding in some of the whey protein again.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


As I mentioned in my last post, there is very little to be found online about these first post-op weeks - and now I know why. 

First of all, please believe me when I say I have got all the information and support I could possibly use.  A nutritionist, support groups and literature.  The reality is:  this is a battle each post-op person has to go through.  I know that, I just don't like it.  I am used to sailing through things that are difficult for others. The surgeon said lose 20 pounds in a month - I did it.  I was the post-op champ in the hospital, cheering on the patients who were struggling. I simply just did not expect this starting to eat thing would be so hard.

The one thing that goes down easily and feels ok in my stomach is Malt-O-Meal cereal. Oh, and Bean with Bacon soup is good, too.  Just can't puree it - nope.  Gag city.  Just chew, chew, chew. The whole - just make tasty food and put it in the blender thing - nope. Not working for me.

Every variation of protein drink I have tried has disagreed with me.  Too sweet or weird taste and stomach upset. Everything I have tried adding the unflavored protein powder to has turned out awful.  Now clearly, this is an issue with my taste buds because some of these things tasted fine before surgery.  That's why I tried so many things - to be prepared.

The number one thing I am concerned about is that I am not getting my protein needs met.  I'm about ready to snort lines of protein powder. Since that is probably not the answer, I am just going to have to gag down the protein drinks.  I am going to stick with the non-dairy stuff again and see if my stomach settles down.  I keep reading that lactose becomes problematic for people and maybe that is one of the issues. I hope that changes on the log run because of the predominance of whey protein on the market, not to mention in my pantry.