Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Last night I got home from work and was making my usual cup of decaf tea to unwind before going to bed.  I realized that if I knew how to whistle, I'd be whistling a happy tune.  I felt good.  I felt no pain.  I felt like myself again.

Now this may sound really lame, but part of it was because the back pain is gone and the tightness is going away - but it was also because I came home to a clean floor.  I took my time and didn't do anything strenuous, but I swept, vacuumed and mopped the floors.  The pleasure of the clean floors was equal to my pleasure of having no pain!


  1. I'm happy you're happy! And I'll unselfishly offer my floor(s) for cleaning if you need cheering again!

    (good news on the back pain!)

  2. It doesn't sound strange to me--clean always makes me happy!

  3. I can relate to this on so many levels I had sciatic issues in the fall and ended up in physical therapy. Last week I hurt my back and when I don't feel good a messy house bothers me even more than usual. A clean house makes me feel better! Wishing you contined good health and happiness.
