Much has been written in the past week about Paula Deen revealing her 3 year old diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. Conjecture about not only her diet but the kind of food she demonstrates on her show and sells in her cookbooks as the triggers of that disease. The damning thing, in my opinion, is that she has signed a multimillion dollar deal with the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk to promote their drug treatment for diabetes. That part is pretty tacky.
Most of us know that Paula Deen does not promote healthy cooking. She is the Queeen of Butter and everyone is in on the joke. To blame her for her own illness? We need to remember this - diabetes isn't caused by overeating alone. It isn't caused by too much butter or sugar or bacon. It can be caused by being obese and inactive, AND having a genetic predisposition for the disease. It also comes on later in life for many, many people as aging takes its toll on our organs and also Hispanic and African Americans are much more genetically susceptible.
We do have a family predisposition for diabetes late in life. However, my grandfather who contracted it was as thin as a rail and as active as a toddler. Not the picture they would place in our minds as a diabetic.
When questioned about the health issues of eating her kind of cooking, Deen told Oprah 'Honey, I'm your cook, not your doctor.' And that is the truth. We are all responsible for our health and decisions about our diet and exercise.
It is time to take away the stigma and shame that the health police are attaching to diabetes. While patients with heart disease or cancer are often showered with sympathy, people with Type 2 diabetes are criticized for being fat, lazy or junk food junkies. We need to be more supportive of those at risk so they will be tested , and if diagnosed, control their condition so they are not plagued with further health problems.