Tuesday, May 1, 2012


If ever there was a time for some emotional eating it was this weekend.  I took to the bottle instead.  Just kidding -  I only had 2 drinks and I used diet tonic.  Plus lots of lime so it was almost a serving of fruit.

I had to put my sweet old dog to sleep on Saturday morning, so it was a tearful weekend and I treated myself with a couple of cocktails and a 6 oz New York Steak.  I had popcorn and mango for lunch.  It was a strange day.

On Sunday my husband wanted to get out of the house - he was missing her tippy taps across the floor -  I had a hamburger for lunch at a local spot with a nice patio.  I don't happen to like cheese on my burger, just mustard and tomato and the bun was "whole wheat." I am sure it wasn't the healthiest choice in the world, but it tasted like a treat and now I have had my red meat for the month.

I still haven't bought a new scale and the digital one suggests I am down another pound.  Not too much damage done.  Except to our hearts.


  1. I'm so very sorry, Susan. I'll keep you in my thoughts during this very difficult time....

  2. While I know that you are working on your physical health, you have to stop and take care of your mental and emotional well-being too. If lunch out with your husband helped you get through a rough day, then that's just what you need to do.

    I am sorry for your loss.
