Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, I have not fallen off the face of the earth as my lack of posting would suggest - just fallen off the "good" path.  I suspect it can be tedious to read about all the reason we yo-yo types have for these periods of wandering in the valley of overindulgence. 

And overindulgence it is as I am so aware not only of the destruction of the hard work I have put in by gaining back what I have lost but worse yet is that I don't even feel good.  After just a few days of not eating sugar I can feel the inflammation in my knees and feet subsiding.  So why do I think eating chocolate or whatever the indulgence of the moment is makes me feel better?

I need to take to heart the quote on my header - If hunger is not the problem, food is not the answer.  And one step further, food is not only the answer - eating what is wrong for me is causing a problem.


  1. I yo yo too, so I understand. Just know that it happens to many of us and you are not alone in the valley.

  2. Oh good. I heard a noise and thought to myself, Hmmm, I hope that's not Susan falling off the earth. :)

    Sorry for your sidetrip, but I have every confidence that you can get back to business!

  3. Relapses are the pits, I know too well .. but it's all part of the process.

  4. I'm confident in you, for you, with you! Honestly, if I can keep on track for 19 months (but who's counting) after all these years of yo-yo'ing and be as certain as I can that I will never yo again - you can do it also.

    Why acquisition of healthy habits is so much harder than unhealthy ones is one of life's greatest mysteries!

  5. We all know we feel so much better when we eat right and exercise enough--and yet, we don't always do it. You are not alone.
