Thursday, May 17, 2012


Just a quick post while I am waiting for my breakfast to warm up. I am also defrosting chicken to marinate for a Chinese Chicken Salad dinner tonight. Multi-tasking has been getting a bad rap lately, but what would we women do without that ability?  It may not all be perfect, but we get a lot done.

I updated my ticker because I am now down 7 pounds.  Pretty good considering my exercise is still spotty and I had 3 vodka tonics with dinner Friday night.  It was a good time but it occurred to me afterwards that I should have ordered scotch and water and avoided the extra calories!

I have one more week until Maggie comes to visit and then a couple of events that will make staying on plan a challenge, but that is ok.  Not stressing about it. 

Monday, May 7, 2012


A couple of years ago  frozen yogurt places started popping up all over the place.  At the time I just didn't "bite."  I'm not sure why.  Way back in the '80's before Tom and I were married we frequently went out after dinner for fro yo.  Then it just went away for a long time.

This last week though,  I wanted a little something and I was tired of the Atkins bars stashed in the drawer of my desk.  I went into the yogurt place near work - Yogurtland - and found they had a no sugar added option in French Vanilla (my favorite flavor) and so I eyeballed a fist size and added some chopped almonds.  It was 6 ounces total and it was good.

 When I got back to work I went on their website and was delighted to see that 4 oz was just 80 calories - so I think the yogurt was probably 5 oz and the nuts 1 oz.  That adds up to less than one of my Atkins bars! 

However,  there was only one no-sugar added flavor available and  they change the flavors frequently; so I can't count on there being a friendly flavor everytime, so I will have to be willing to walk away!

Could you?  Do you FroYo?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


If ever there was a time for some emotional eating it was this weekend.  I took to the bottle instead.  Just kidding -  I only had 2 drinks and I used diet tonic.  Plus lots of lime so it was almost a serving of fruit.

I had to put my sweet old dog to sleep on Saturday morning, so it was a tearful weekend and I treated myself with a couple of cocktails and a 6 oz New York Steak.  I had popcorn and mango for lunch.  It was a strange day.

On Sunday my husband wanted to get out of the house - he was missing her tippy taps across the floor -  I had a hamburger for lunch at a local spot with a nice patio.  I don't happen to like cheese on my burger, just mustard and tomato and the bun was "whole wheat." I am sure it wasn't the healthiest choice in the world, but it tasted like a treat and now I have had my red meat for the month.

I still haven't bought a new scale and the digital one suggests I am down another pound.  Not too much damage done.  Except to our hearts.