Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I  let my gym membership go about a month after I started the new job - so 2 months ago now.  I loved the gym but it was $100. a month, about 12 miles the opposite direction from my job and in heavy commute traffic.  I know that the only time I would have gone was on the weekends.

Of course I had high hopes for going on walks and using my little hand weights to keep my fitness level up.  I thought I would just put music on and dance like Kirsty Ally said she did.  I researched the possibility of buying my favorite aerobic machine to have at home - at $5000. Tom put the kibosh on that idea.  So nothing has happened.  A few bike rides, that's about it.

And oh do I feel it.  I am all soft and jiggly and I have put in inch on around my hips and waist. I get out of breath just walking.  It is bad.

My employer has a bunch of exercise equipment in his garage that he keeps saying he is going to bring into our warehouse for all of us to use.  We have made some preparations - but I don't know when it might really happen - so I joined a gym.  It is a month to month thing so I can cancel easily.  Lots of equipment, pretty good parking, it's kind of smelly but it's right on the way to or from work. And cheap.

I joined 5 days ago - I haven't gone yet.

1 comment:

  1. Don't make me come out there! :)

    You've already got step 1 (joining) out of the way. (And good for YOU for doing that!) Now, how about committing to just one workout? No big plan, no grand scheme, just one workout. You can do that, easy-schmeasy.
