Myth Buster #7
Myth: You can spot-reduce to lose weight.
Fact: On the contrary, the way to achieve sleeker legs or a flatter stomach, if that's where you're carrying your body fat, is to increase your lean muscle tissue throughout your body. By working all your muscles, you increase your metabolism. Up your metabolism and watch your eating, and you'll start looking the way you want to.
This was one of the "Fitness Myths" on a website I clicked on today. Though the idea was to "bust" the myth - I think they have just proven that anyone can get their body to "look the way you want to" is the biggest lie yet. No matter how hard I ever worked, my body never looked the way I wanted it to because I wanted to have slim thighs and a small butt!
In my day bootylicious was not the ideal - I had a body like Beyonce and was considered fat. No one asked me to dance in the clubs, they asked my skinny friends with hips like little boys.