Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seven Months Post Op Weight Loss Surgery

This week I enter my seventh month since my BPD-DS surgery.  I have lost 113 pounds. I've been working hard on my supplements and my protein intake which was slightly deficient in my 6 month labs.

This means I rely on pre-made protein drinks and bars for 60 plus of the 90-100 grams of protein I need each day.  Right now I am enjoying the Premier Protein drinks and bars and can buy them in bulk at Costco.

There is such a disconnect between the reality of trying to eat 100 grams of protein a day (with a stomach roughly the size of a banana) and what people think - including my doctor who e-mailed me a note about increasing my protein.  He pointed out that there are 7 grams of protein in a meat or cheese serving roughly the size of a pack of cards.  Apparently he didn't think about how many of those servings I would have to eat to reach 90-100 grams a day! 

My little treats and beyond protein extras are things like a few bites of strawberries, raspberries, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, salads and this weekend - 1/2 of a scooped out potato skin.  Woohoo!

I'm tired of eating the same lunches over and over so I searched the store this weekend for some new ideas and found a bread  from Alvarado St. Bakery which is 15 carbs per slice with 5 grams of protein.  It is pretty dry, but since I can eat mayo to my heart's content, I slathered some on a slice, added some mustard and 4 oz of cheese.  Tomorrow morning I am going to toast a slice and put almond butter on it for breakfast!  Pretty exciting stuff!

1 comment:

  1. I'm supposed to be getting at least 60g of protein every day and I struggle with that, so I cannot imagine what it would be like to have to get even more.
