Monday, December 10, 2012


I recovered from my stomach upset over Thanksgiving, only to have it happen again, milder, the next week.  All the doctor can say is that it's healing and touchy. 

The guidelines given to me for what to add to my diet at what time period are out the window.  The very things listed to eat, they now say are hard on a healing stomach. Like yogurt, moist chicken and ground meats and eggs.  Eggs still upset my stomach, even when stirred into soup to make "Egg Drop Soup" which seems to be a big favorite for most post -ops. I just keep trying them every 3-4 days; get an upset stomach, rest it and then try again.

Don't know why I am having this trouble.  I have never had stomach issues with food, but my new stomach is a sensitive little thing.  I am monitoring my food on Sparkpeople and when I see I am low on calories and protein I bump it up.  Surprisingly, I can't tolerate protein smoothies, etc., but I can get down the Protein Hot Chocolate.  Not too sweet and the heat helps.

I seem to be a bit better day by day so I ordered some more "bariatric foods" which have the higher protein I need to help be get to the point that I can eat unprocessed foods for all my nutrition.  I tried to start the vitamin regimen this weekend but threw-up - twice.  So I am hoping the chewables I am taking will get me by until I can get onto the heavier doses.

By the way, I am down 35 pounds since surgery.  Seems like a lot - but it also seems like it should be more considering how little I am eating!!

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering how you're doing, so I'm happy to hear that you're making progress, albeit more slowly than you'd like. 35 pounds is nothing to sneeze at! I love your sensible, "big picture" approach to this whole process. Can you imagine where you're going to be a year from now? It's pretty amazing.
