Thursday, October 18, 2012


Now I am going to whine.  I have been really good on the diet. I took 2 days off but otherwise, no cheating.  I have made it through day 1 of this liquid diet. I am hungry but that is not why I am cranky.

No Advil. 

I am an Advil junkie.  I take the maximum allowed everyday; morning, noon and night.  By doing that I keep my arthritic foot happy and relatively unswollen and my knees creaky but not too painful.  Day 2 of no Advil and my head aches, my neck is stiff , my foot is ok, my knees are killing me. I feel like I have the flu or I was beaten with a stick.

I did take a some "natural anti-inflammatories" from the health food store - nuthin'.

I am sooo looking forward to the drugs following the surgery and I still have 4 days to go.  Boo hoo.

1 comment:

  1. Before I had knee surgery last year, I had taken so much Advil that my stomach was irritated and painful. My doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory cream for my knee and it worked! My stomach was able to heal while I dealt with the knee pain.
