Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have been doing pretty well on the Anti-Inflammatory eating plan.  I have had a couple of slip-slidey days and I am working out how to deal with those things which cause me to overeat and/or eat the "wrong" things.

Stress is the big one, .but  boredom is another.  Specifically boredom at work.  The other night I had plenty to eat in my little lunch bag.  But it was very quiet and very boring and I was wanting to fill up that time and fill up that void of nothing to do with food.  Tonight I didn't really bring enough to eat but I snagged some peanuts from the bar and got pleasantly filled up.  Did that stop me from wanting to eat?  No.

So I found myself saying  "You are not hungry.  This is not about food.  Food is not the answer."  Which is, of course the quote I have on my header!  So now I am reinforcing that little mantra by sharing it here. 

Shall we chant in unison?



  1. Oh yes! Boredom eating is a big one for me!

  2. Boredom is probably my biggest food-related problem. (Well that and an over-fondness for cupcakes.:)) My mantra when I catch myself with the boredom snacking is "Distract yourself," sung to the tune of Madonna's "Respect Yourself". (I'm easily entertained.)
